Monday, August 17, 2015


Ok, I'm close enough to the end of Seasons Change where I can start asking for dedicated proof readers. A proof reader's job is extremely important to a writer because YOU represent the only fan-base thus far. You are, in fact, the very first readers and it will be YOUR opinions AND suggestions that will make the final draft something that other readers will fully enjoy. All writers have a group of friends, family, associates, that are dedicated, committed, and proud to be a part of the creation process.

A proof reader looks for the following:
1. Grammar mistakes (Hey, we all make them. So I'd pay close attention if I was you. Were you. Whatever!!)
2. Inconsistencies (Maybe the main character's birthday was in May at the beginning, but he celebrated it in August by the end. close attention.)
3. Expert analyses (Did I use the wrong medical terminology? Did I load the pistol with the wrong bullets? I'm not an expert, maybe you are?)
4. Elaboration (You might feel that I may need to elaborate more on a certain plot point, or character developement. Don't be afraid to point it out.)
5. Confusion (Did a particular paragraph cause you to sit back and say..."huh?" Let me know, I'll try and make it more understandable.)
6. Bad points (You hate this part? That part? The ending? Lay it on me. We'll see what the majority says)
7. Punctuation (Of course) Remember, do NOT fix errors, just point them out. I will have the working copy in my possession.
8. The Good (And don't forget to schmooze with whatever you liked about it. If anything.)

If this sounds like it might be a good time, all I ask is that you:
a) Be committed to doing it. My time is just as important as yours, so if you can't get to reading it (and taking notes) within a month or two, then let's just leave it at--"I wish I had the time, but I can't."
b) You must have Microsoft Word, or another document reading file. This way you can save the file, take your notes in red font right within the document, and send it right on back to me so I can compare with everyone else's.

Please private message me or email if you are interested. Thank you